thats my baby!

puck is my oc! i've had him since OCT 2014ish and i love him with my entire heart!!! he started as just a side character in a game i wanted to make and now hes my main baby boy who i would die for at any given moment
if you wanna know more just ask!!! i love talking about him
Parental Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Child Death
Vomiting (not written here but it is a general warning for him.)
Puck was born May 26th, 1934 from an affair between Francine Peeters and a currently unnamed coworker of hers. Other members of his family included his father, Lawrence Peeters, his older brother, Francis Peeters, and 13 years after his birth came Lucille Peeters.
Life at home was less than kind. His existence brought on more strain on Lawrence and Francine's rocky marriage and he ended up being the one to bear the burdens of their anger (mostly Francine's drunken screaming and beratings.) His brother Francis, a quiet and spaced-out man, was more of a caretaker than either parent, raising Puck and doing his best to be a good role model up until he ran away at 16, tired of how he was being treated and the pedestal he'd been glued to. 4 years later he would come to regret not bringing Puck along, but there was nothing he could've done differently to change Pucks fate. Being only 13 at the time, Puck perceived his brother leaving as being his fault. Despite this self-blame, he could never forgive Francis for leaving him behind.
With his brother gone, Puck found himself at home with his school's baseball team. He held on to the position of Ace Pitcher due to his strong arm. The team captain, his lifelong best friend Frederick, soon became the center of his attention. Seeing as he was one of the few people who'd been around Puck since he was but a little tatter-tot, Puck saw him as an angel, a guardian light, one who could never do anything to harm him. He was in love.
Frederick had changed since they were children, however. Now more interested in his own well-being than the feelings of an old friend, he used Puck's puppy crush to turn him into an attack dog, his right-hand man who was more than happy to get his hands dirty at the snap of a finger. It took years after Puck's death for him to acknowledge and accept this fact and move on, sort of.
The only other person Puck cared for was his younger sister, Lucy, he had taken up the place of his brother and began doting on her whenever he was home, using kid's stolen lunch money to buy her small gifts as a way to make up for the neglect they faced.
December 22nd, 1956, having heard of an incoming flood from a paranoid neighbor, Francine Peeters decided to take matters into her own hands. Rather than allowing her family to meet a tragic fate at the bottom of the ocean, she poisoned their dinner so they would go out together. Puck, who had planned to go out with friends that night, was instead begrudgingly seated across from his mother as he picked at his food.
It was when Lucy whined about feeling sick before her face slammed into her food that Puck realized something was wrong. Hell, he'd noticed earlier when he'd felt a rolling in his stomach, but he'd brushed it off as either anger or anxiety. Francine revealed to him what she had done, and he panicked. Scrambling out of his seat and out the front door trying to get help for his sister. He made it to the front gate before throwing up and collapsing, hand wrapped around the metal links as he finally lost consciousness.
Francis Peeters came onto the scene hours after the fact, pushing past the police in a shocked stupor towards his baby brother. He was interrogated for 6 hours under suspicions that he had poisoned his family to avoid being arrested for the previous theft charges his mother had reported him for when he'd first ran away.
Freshly dead, and emotionally compromised, the spirit of Puck Peeters rose from the ground where he died in a frenzy. It was hours before he came to in the remains of his dining room, finally able to think straight as all his pent up emotions had been taken out on the furniture inside.
Now lost and confused, Puck spent the next few years trying to keep up with the calenders, trying to follow how old he'd be and trying to age alongside the calendar he could no longer keep up with. Being a ghost, time no longer had meaning to Puck, he'd sleep for months and still believe it'd only been a few hours. After his 22nd birthday, he gave up trying and decided to continue sleeping for the rest of eternity.
And so he did. Save for a few instances of rowdy teenagers breaking into his home under the guise of a "dare" and the one occasion where a Fae, named Robin, broke into his home and stole nothing but his heart, and then his home.
Robin, deciding Puck needed to "enjoy the afterlife" more, threw a grand party in Puck's abandoned home, ending up leaving it in unlivable conditions but also introducing Puck to Robin's current boyfriend, Jack. After a late-night rendezvous and some time of lounging around together, the trio became inseparable.
Puck is now, for once in his life (or, afterlife) completely and utterly happy. He has two loving husbands and is so very, very excited about everything he's missed out on technologically, scientifically, and socially in the past 60 or so years.
Due to how he died, Puck has a very sickly appearance. Constantly drooling, and forever nauseous, he still finds joy in his afterlife. On average Puck throws up ectoplasm around 7-8 times a day. He cannot keep anything down, nor does he really... enjoy eating. Puck absolutely refuses to eat anything he hasn't seen anyone else try before him, and will only eat if he truly feels like it. Unless it's a nonfood item, then it's going right in his mouth (watch the pens!)
And, yes, He does glow under UV light.